While virtually all electronic defense systems require digital signal processing, many operate at RF frequencies up to 18 GHz or more. Digitizing such signals traditionally required a local oscillator, a mixer, and multiple filters to translate the analog RF frequency to a lower IF frequency suitable for an ADC. In this interview, Rodger Hosking, Director of Sales, Mercury Systems, Inc. and Aerospace & Defense Technology discuss a new generation of “Direct RF” data converters that can now digitize RF signal frequencies as high as 38 GHz, revolutionizing system architectures across a wide class of platform applications and radio bands.
DRFM-based radar environment simulators and radar target generators are efficient, cost-effective solutions to methods validating radar systems and electromagnetic environment combat pilot training.

Digital #signal processing has been the impetus behind analog to #digitalRF signal conversion for over 50 years. As technology has evolved to digitize signals of wider bandwidths that reside higher in
This white paper describes next generation direct RF to redefine what’s possible in radar and software radio, from jamming to electronic intelligence to significant bandwidth performance.

Mercury supports the most critical application development with signal chain solutions from a single vendor that can be integrated with interchangeable tuners, data acquisition cards and recorder...

Today's pace of technology development means the traditional approach of custom-designed modules and subsystems is too slow, but Modular Open System Architecture (MOSA) approaches can deliver on...

Optimized to solve the most advanced radar, cognitive EW and AI challenges, learn how Mercury ’s ACAP-engineer-to-engineer designer’s journey is intended to assist other development teams.

SWaP-optimized and ruggedized for operation in harsh environments, learn how Mercury ’s ACAP-based solutions will bring new levels of application capability to the tactical edge.
Learn Mercury's rugged OpenVPX board design practices with enhanced durability for operation in military and aircraft environments including extreme heat, altitude, and shock and vibration.
COTS Software Defined Radio for 5G Development
AMD's new RFSoC brings a powerful and unique solution for addressing some of the most demanding requirements of high bandwidth and high channel count systems.
Learn how Mercury and Intel collaborate to scale and deploy composable data center capabilities across the fog and edge layers with high performance embedded computing (HPEC)
Enterprises supporting the DoD can leverage commercial investment, open systems architectures and internal R&D to speed technology innovation and reduce overall sustainment and investment cost.
Technology is evolving faster than ever. Mercury's business model leverages open standards, commercial technology and R&D investment to drive innovation at a lower cost.

Did you know your computer could be untrustworthy, even before you take it out of the box? Read more about how trust is compromised through the supply chain and ways you can prevent it.

You can’t open an industry magazine or visit a website without seeing news about SOSA, open standards and their adoption. Read more about SOSA - its origins, benefits and what's next.
Learn how rapid tech insertion enables real-time aircraft sensor processing in an actively deployed aircraft, empowering special operations to evolve to meet mission requirements.
Learn about the SOSA Consortium and the VITA organization, how they interact to address challenges and define successful strategies, along with illustrative examples of SOSA-aligned products.
Discover how Mercury and NVIDIA are bringing AI-enabling data center processing capabilities to the edge for faster technology deployment and real-time decision-making.

Uncompromised data center processing capability deployable anywhere Evolving compute-intensive AI, SIGINT, autonomous vehicle, Electronic Warfare (EW), radar and sensor fusion applications require...
Comparing Intel Xeon server-class processors for Space Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) applications.