Military-Grade Secure Solid State Drives Part 1: Hollywood Imagination or Reality?
Jennifer Keenan
May 21, 2018
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Who knew that concept was anything but Hollywood imagination? It is very real, particularly in today’s modern threat environment. Protection including destruction of mission critical data has never been more relevant to the success of our military and government forces.
As our adversaries become more skilled in hacking and reverse-engineering, the impact of stolen or captured mission, classified, secret or top secret data can be catastrophic. Military systems and networks must continually incorporate innovative security protocols to combat the bombardment of attacks. Whether in forward-deployed unmanned systems or laptops used in office environments, data security must be in the forefront of design all the way down to the microelectronics. Military grade microelectronics, including solid state drives, must embed security at the lowest level with sophisticated algorithms and design techniques. Security cannot be bolted on. When these capabilities are coupled with trusted design and manufacturing disciplines, military grade SSDs provide an unparalleled approach to data security.
In this blog I’ll address how Mercury is uniquely positioned as the trailblazer of secure military grade SSDs through our leading edge technologies and business practices. In my upcoming posts Encryption Decoded and Diamonds are Forever. Encryption Keys Last Longer, I’ll explore the security advancements in military-grade secure SSDs.